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Container Management

Manage tera files (containers) within the organization’s library. This section outlines all endpoints available for creating, updating, retrieving, and managing containers.


The Container Management API enables the following operations:

  • Retrieve Containers: Fetch specific containers or a list of containers for an organization.
  • Manage Container Access: Block, unblock, or retrieve access attempts for containers.
  • Post-Quantum Security: Retrieve post-quantum keys for container encryption.
  • Tags and DRM: Retrieve and manage container tags and Digital Rights Management (DRM) rules.

All API requests require valid authentication headers. Unauthorized requests will return a 401 Unauthorized error.


Retrieve a Specific Container

Fetch detailed information about a specific container.

Endpoint: GET /orgs/{org_id}/containers/{container_id}


  • org_id (string, required): The unique identifier for the organization.
  • container_id (string, required): The unique identifier for the container.

Example Response:

"id": "container-123",
"name": "Secure File",
"created_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"tags": ["confidential", "finance"],
"drm_rules": {...}

Retrieve All Containers

Fetch a list of all containers associated with an organization.

Endpoint: GET /orgs/{org_id}/containers


  • org_id (string, required): The unique identifier for the organization.

Block Container Access

Restrict access to a specific container.

Endpoint: PUT /orgs/{org_id}/containers/{container_id}/block


  • org_id (string, required): The unique identifier for the organization.
  • container_id (string, required): The unique identifier for the container.

Example Response:

"message": "Container access blocked successfully"

Unblock Container Access

Restore access to a previously blocked container.

Endpoint: DELETE /orgs/{org_id}/containers/{container_id}/block

Retrieve Container DRM Rules

Fetch DRM rules applied to a specific container.

Endpoint: GET /orgs/{org_id}/containers/{container_id}/drm_rules

Delete DRM Rules

Remove DRM rules applied to a container.

Endpoint: DELETE /orgs/{org_id}/containers/{container_id}/drm_rules

Retrieve Access Attempts

Fetch a log of access attempts for a specific container.

Endpoint: GET /orgs/{org_id}/containers/{container_id}/attempts

Retrieve Tags Audit

Fetch audit logs for container tags.

Endpoint: GET /orgs/{org_id}/containers/{container_id}/tags_audit

Retrieve Container by Digest

Retrieve container details using its unique digest.

Endpoint: GET /orgs/{org_id}/container_by_digest

Example Implementations

Encode a File into a Container

Encode files into a container and upload them to your organization using the encode endpoint. This example demonstrates how to prepare a manifest, attach files, and make the request in both Python and TypeScript.

Encode a File into a Container

Encode files into a container and upload them to your organization using the encode endpoint. This example demonstrates how to prepare a manifest, attach files, and make the request in both Python and TypeScript.

    import os
import json
import mimetypes
import requests

API_URL = ''
ORG_ID = 'your-org-id'
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer your-access-token'}

def encode_manifest(manifest_path):
# Read the manifest
with open(manifest_path) as file:
manifest = json.load(file)

manifest_dir = os.path.dirname(manifest_path)
encode_url = f'{API_URL}/orgs/{ORG_ID}/containers/encode'
files = []

# Add the manifest to the request
files.append(('manifest', ('manifest', json.dumps(manifest), 'application/json')))

# Add each file to the request
for file_name in manifest['files']:
type_, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file_name)
files.append(('files', (file_name, open(f'{manifest_dir}/{file_name}', 'rb'), type_)))

# Send the request and print the response
rsp =, headers=headers, files=files)
encoded_manifest = rsp.json()
print(encoded_manifest['org_id'], encoded_manifest['container']['uuid'])

# Example usage

API Response Codes

  • 200 OK: Request processed successfully.
  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid input or parameters.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication failed or invalid API key.
  • 404 Not Found: Resource not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server.