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Customization Management

Customize and manage organization-level settings to ensure a tailored experience for your organization’s needs.


The Customization Management API enables the following operations:

  • Retrieve Customizations: Fetch current customization settings for an organization.
  • Update Customizations: Modify customization settings for an organization.

All API requests require valid authentication headers. Unauthorized requests will return a 401 Unauthorized error.


Retrieve Organization Customizations

Fetch current customization settings for a specific organization.

Endpoint: GET /orgs/{org_id}/customizations


  • org_id (string, required): The unique identifier for the organization.

Example Response:

"theme": "dark",
"logo_url": "",
"branding_color": "#0047AB"

Update Organization Customizations

Modify customization settings for a specific organization.

Endpoint: PUT /orgs/{org_id}/customizations


  • org_id (string, required): The unique identifier for the organization.
  • customizations (object, required): The updated customizations object.

Example Request:

"theme": "light",
"logo_url": "",
"branding_color": "#FF5733"

Example Response:

"message": "Organization customizations updated successfully"

Example Implementations

API Response Codes

  • 200 OK: Request processed successfully.
  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid input or parameters.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication failed or invalid API key.
  • 404 Not Found: Resource not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server.