Writing DRM Rules
This example uses the Locktera API to read and write the DRM rules for an existing Locktera container.
A walkthrough of the code follows.
First we'll import the libraries we'll need.
import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'; // Used to read and write the DRM rules file
We will also need to import libraries specific to the task at hand - interacting with the Locktera API.
import { type DynamicDrm } from '../DynamicDrm.ts'; // The definition of Locktera DRM rules
import { ORG_ID, fetch, verify_identity } from '../fetch.ts'; // Our org ID, authenticated fetch function, and sanity check function
API operations
We will GET
and PUT
the endpoint for a specified container's DRM using the authenticated fetch function.
async function get_drm (container_id: string) {
return await fetch(`/orgs/${ORG_ID}/containers/${container_id}/drm`) as DynamicDrm;
async function put_drm (container_id: string, drm: DynamicDrm) {
await fetch(`/orgs/${ORG_ID}/containers/${container_id}/drm`, {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json', // Be sure to set the content type!
body: JSON.stringify(drm),
We will use command line arguments to specify the action, container ID, and DRM rules file name. First, we will collect and verify the arguments.
// Print usage if incorrect
if (process.argv.length !== 4) {
npm run drm get $CONTAINER_ID - outputs $CONTAINER_ID's DRM to $CONTAINER_ID.json
npm run drm put $CONTAINER_ID - sets $CONTAINER_ID's DRM from $CONTAINER_ID.json
// Normalize arguments
const action = process.argv[2].trim().toLowerCase();
const container_id = process.argv[3].trim().toLowerCase();
// Verify arguments
if (action !== 'get' && action !== 'put') {
throw new Error('Invalid action; use `get` or `put`');
if (!/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/.test(container_id)) {
throw new Error('Invalid container ID; must be a UUID');
const file_name = container_id + '.json';
Then we will verify that our Org ID and API key are good by fetching our org information. If either value is bad, this function will throw.
await verify_identity();
Finally, we will handle the two possible actions.
if (action === 'get') {
// Fetch the DRM from the API
const drm = await get_drm(container_id);
// Write it to the output file
await fs.writeFile(file_name, JSON.stringify(drm, null, '\t'));
console.log('Wrote to', file_name);
} else if (action === 'put') {
// Read the contents of the input file
const input = await fs.readFile(file_name, 'utf-8');
// Parse it to JSON to ensure it's syntactically valid
const drm: DynamicDrm = JSON.parse(input.trim());
// Update the container's DRM
await put_drm(container_id, drm);
console.log('Updated from', file_name);